List of Batman television series characters

The following is an overview of the characters who appeared in the 1966–1968 live-action Batman television series.


Main characters

Character Actor Description External link
Batman / Bruce Wayne Adam West Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series. He is presented as a well established superhero and legally deputized member of law enforcement.
Robin / Dick Grayson Burt Ward Based on the comic book character of the same name, no actual origin is provided for the character in the series. He is presented as well established as Bruce Wayne's ward and Batman's sidekick.
Batgirl / Barbara Gordon Yvonne Craig Created in conjunction with the character introduced in the comic books the same year.[1][2][3] Unlike the comic books, no actual origin is provided within the series.

Supporting characters

Character Actor Description External link
Aunt Harriet Cooper Madge Blake Based on the comic book character of the same name. While the character began as a regular supporting character, her appearances became less frequent during the second season and almost non existent in the third. This was due to Blake's declining health.[4] Batman Wiki
Commissioner James Gordon Neil Hamilton Based on the comic book character of the same name.
Chief Miles O'Hara Stafford Repp Created specifically for the series, the character would later be mentioned and adapted to DC Comics publications.
Alfred Pennyworth Alan Napier Based on the comic book character of the same name. Batman Wiki

Recurring antagonists

Character Actor Description External link
Catwoman Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series.

Meriwether was cast for the film role when producers learned that Newmar would not be available for filming after the production of the first season wrapped.[5]

Due to prior commitments to the film Mackenna's Gold, Newmar was unavailable for the production of the third season and Kitt was cast for the role.

Egghead Vincent Price Egghead was created specifically for the series and is presented as a master criminal with a fixation on eggs.

Egghead, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Batman Wiki
Joker Cesar Romero Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series.

Since Cesar Romero refused to shave his trademark mustache, special makeup was used to cover it.

Batman Wiki
King Tut Victor Buono King Tut was created specifically for the series and was provided with an origin story.

Within the episodes, Professor William McElroy is an Egyptologist at Yale University. He suffers a blow to the head during a student riot that results in amnesia. His subconscious creates a new personality as the reincarnation of King Tut. Each time he is struck on the head, his personalities reverse.

King Tut was eventually adapted to the comics.

The character, among others created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold voiced by John DiMaggio. Due to FOX holding the rights to the King Tut name, the character was renamed Pharaoh.

Batman Wiki
Mad Hatter David Wayne Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series.

This version was based on the Imposter Mad Hatter.

Batman Wiki
Mister Freeze Based on the comic book character originally known as Mr. Zero but later changed to match the new name from the show, an abbreviated origin for the character is provided within the series. What is related that Batman had accidentally spilled cryonic chemical on him during a previous arrest. This renders him incapable of living in temperatures above -50°F.[6]
Penguin Burgess Meredith Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series.
Riddler Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series.

Leading into the production of the second season, Gorshin held out for higher wages. This resulted in the writers putting off Riddler-themed episodes in case the issue was resolved. Late in the production they reworked one script to use the Puzzler[7] and finally produced a Riddler story for which John Astin was cast. The issue was resolved before the third season with Gorshin returning to the role.

Additional characters

Character Actor Description External link
Mayor Linseed Byron Keith The Mayor of Gotham City.
Warden Crichton David Lewis The Warden of Gotham City Penitentiary.
Britt Reid / Green Hornet Van Williams Based on the radio character of the same name, he appeared in a "crossover" from the production company's second comic book themed series The Green Hornet
Kato Bruce Lee Based on the radio character of the same name, he appeared as the Green Hornet's sidekick.

Additional antagonists

Character Actor Description External link
Archer Art Carney By company records, the Archer was created specifically for the series by writer Stanley Ralph Ross and not related to the previous comic book character of the same name.[8]

The character is presented as a skewed version of Robin Hood.

The Archer, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Black Widow Tallulah Bankhead An original character created for the series, Black Widow is a bank robber who uses a spider motif. No actual origin is provided in the series.

The Black Widow, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Batman Wiki
Bookworm Roddy McDowall An original character created for the series, Bookworm themes his crimes on books and literary tropes.

Bookworm, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Batman Wiki
Chandell Liberace An original character created for the series, Chandell is a pianist who is blackmailed into a life of crime as the criminal Fingers by his twin brother Harry.

Chandell, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Nora Clavicle Barbara Rush Nora Clavicle was created specifically for the series. She is presented as a women's rights activist who attempts to destroy Gotham City in order to collect on an insurance policy she had taken out on it. She manipulates Mayor Linseed's wife in order to have the mayor replace Commissioner Gordon with her and all the male police officers with women.
Clock King Walter Slezak Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series. DC Database
False-Face Malachi Throne Based on the Silver Age version of the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series.

This version of False-Face was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold voiced by Corey Burton.

Lord Marmaduke Ffogg Rudy Vallee Ffogg was created specifically for the series. He is presented as an upper-class member of Londinium society who runs a school for thieves and uses homemade fog to cover up his crimes. Batman Wiki
Freddy the Fence Jacques Bergerac Freddy was created specifically for the series. He is presented as the owner of "French Freddy's Fencing", a fencing school which is a front for his fencing operation. He allows Catwoman to use the building's basement as a hideout.
Colonel Gumm Roger C. Carmel Gumm was created specifically for the series. He is presented as a stamp factory foreman who is using the company to produce forged stamps in the episodes featuring Green Hornet and Kato. Batman Wiki
Lola Lasagne Ethel Merman Lola Lasagne was created specifically for the series. She is presented as a childhood friend of Penguin's who owns a racehorse, the only thing her husband Luigi left her when he disappeared. The pair use the horse in a racing scam.
Louie the Lilac Milton Berle Louie was created specifically for the series and was presented as a gangster using a flower motif. He is a gangster who plotted to take over the minds of Gotham City and then take over the perfume and flower markets.

Louie the Lilac, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Batman Wiki
Ma Parker Shelley Winters Ma Parker was created specifically for the series. She is presented as an elderly woman and master criminal who runs a gang consisting of her children. She allows herself to be captured so that she can take over Gotham State Penitentiary and form a gang from its inmates.

Ma Parker, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Batman Wiki
Marsha, Queen of Diamonds Carolyn Jones Marsha was created specifically for the series. When originally introduced she plots to gain access to the diamond that powers the batcomputer.
Minerva Zsa Zsa Gabor Minerva was created specifically for the series. She is introduced as a spa owner catering to Gotham City's wealthy. Minerva uses a modified hair dryer to scan her client's minds to find out where they hide their fortunes.
Minstrel Van Johnson Minstrel was created specifically for the series and was presented as a genius in the field of electrical engineering and styled himself as a Medieval troubadour. Batman Wiki
Puzzler Maurice Evans Based on the comic book character of the same name, no origin for the character is provided within the series. He attempts to steal the "Retsoor", a supersonic plane owned by Artemis Knab.

The season two episodes where Puzzler appeared were originally written for the Riddler. Due to Frank Gorshin holding out over salary issues, the scripts were re-written and Evans cast in the role.[7]

Batman Wiki
Sandman Michael Rennie This version of Sandman was created specifically for the series and is unrelated to the Golden Age comic book characters of the same name. Presented as a international criminal who uses hypnotic sand to control sleepwalkers, he partners with Catwoman and uses the alias Doctor Somnambula in an attempt to steal J. Pauline Spaghetti's fortune.
Shame Cliff Robertson Shame was created specifically for the series. The cowboy motif was patterned as a parody of the film Shane.

Shame, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Batman Wiki
Siren Joan Collins Siren was created specifically for the series. She is presented as Lorelei Circe, a chanteuse who is able to sing a notes so high that they place men under her control.

Siren, among other characters created for the series, was adapted for an episode of the animated television series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Cassandra Spellcraft Ida Lupino Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft was created specifically for the series. She is presented as a world-famous alchemist, occultist, and criminal. Batman Wiki
Zelda the Great Anne Baxter Zelda was created specifically for the series. She is shown to be a world-famous magician and escape artist who once a year pulls off a major robbery to pay Eivol Ekdol for the equipment she uses in her act. Batman Wiki

Bit parts

"Batclimb" cameos

Aside from the super-criminals, another coveted spot was the Batclimb Cameo. Often, as the Dynamic Duo scaled a building using Batarangs and Bat-ropes (actually filmed on a horizontal surface, with their capes held up by strings from off-camera, and aired with the shot rotated 90 degrees), a window would swing open, a celebrity would pop his or her head out, and a short conversation would ensue. Batclimb cameo scenes were discontinued for the third season.


Under Archer
Character Actor Description
Maid Marilyn Barbara Nichols Parody of Maid Marian.
Big John Loren Ewing Parody of Little John.
Crier Tuck Doodles Weaver Parody of Friar Tuck.
Under Black Widow
Character Actor Description
Tarantula Don "Red" Barry
Daddy Longlegs Mike Lane
Trapdoor Al Ferrara
Under Bookworm
Character Actor Description
Pressman Tony Aiello
Printer's Devil John Crawford
Typesetter Jan Peters
Lydia Limpet Francine York
Under Catwoman
Character Actor Description
Felix Ralph Manza Assist in locating the lost treasure of Captain Manx.
Leo Jock Mahoney
Jack O'Shea Jack Kelly Gotham City Times writer who assists in pulling off the "greatest caper in crimedum history."
John Buck Kartalian Cat burglars who assist in pulling off the "greatest caper in crimedum history."
Thomas Charles Horvath
Charles George Barrows
Eenie Sharyn Wynters Assist in a plot to steal people's voices.
Meanie T.J. Castronova
Miney Chuck Henderson
Moe Ric Roman
Kitty Valerie Kairys Assist with the collaborated with Sandman.
Cattie Pat Becker
Pussycat Lesley Gore Assist with the plot to brainwashing Robin.
Spade Jock Gaynor
Marlow Tony Epper
Templar George Sawaya
Cornell Paul Mantee Assist with a plot to rob Gotham City University.
Penn Sheldon Allman
Brown Paul Picerni
Manx James Griffith Assist in capturing Batgirl and targeting Queen Bess of Bellgravia.
Angora Dirk Evans
Giggler Sandy Kevin Assist in searching for a hidden cache of gunpowder in a joint caper with Joker.
Laugher Bobby Hall
Under Chandell
Character Actor Description
Doe Marilyn Hanold
Rae Edy Williams
Mimi Sivi Aberg
Under Nora Clavicle
Character Actor Description
Angelina Inga Neilsen
Evilina June Wilkinson
Under Clock King
Character Actor Description
Millie Second Eileen O'Neill
Second Hand Three Michael Pate
Second Hand Five Charlie Picerni
Under Egghead
Character Actor Description
Miss Bacon Gail Hire Secretary documenting Egghead's thoughts and actions for a book.
Foo Yong Ben Welden Assist in a plot to take over Gotham City.
Benedict Gene Dynarski
Olga Anne Baxter Queen of the Cossacks and Egghead's fiance.
Under False-Face
Character Actor Description
Blaze Myrna Fahey
Midget Billy Curtis
Fat Man Joe Brooks
Thin Man Chuck Fox
Under Lord Marmaduke Ffogg
Character Actor Description
Lady Penelope Peasoup Glynis Johns
Lady Prudence Lyn Peters
Basil Monte Landis Lord Ffogg's butler.
Digby Larry Anthony Lord Ffogg's chauffeur.
Scudder Harvey Jason Lord Ffogg's footman.
Duchess Nannette Turner Students at Ffogg's school for criminals.
Kit Lynley Laurence
Daisy Aleta Rotell
Rosamond Stacy Gregg
Under Colonel Gumm
Character Actor Description
Block Alex Rocco
Cancelled Seymour Cassel
Reprint Rico Cattani
Under Joker
Character Actor Description
Queenie Nancy Kovack Assists when Joker creates his own utility belt.
Cheerleader Susie Donna Loren Assist with an attempt to corrupt the Woodrow Roosevelt High School basketball team.
Nick Kip King
Cornelia Kathy Kersh
Latch Louis Quinn
Bolt Larry Anthony
Venus Terry Moore Assist with the Zodiac Crime Wave joint caper with Penguin.
Mercury Hal Baylor
Mars Joe Di Reda
Saturn Eddie Saenz
Uranus Charlie Picerni
Neptune Dick Crockett
Josie Miller Phyllis Hodges Boyce Assists with a money counterfeiting plot that included her marrying Bruce Wayne.
Mr. Glee Lawrence Montaigne Robots used during a money counterfeiting plot.
Yock Ed Deemer
Boff Cliff Ritchie
Baby Jane Towser Diana Ivarson An heiress and dupe used in an art theft.
Undine Sivi Aberg Assist in an attempt to take over Gotham Beach.
Riptide Skip Ward
Wipeout Ron Burke
Professor Greenleaf Fritz Feld Assist with the Martian Invasion hoax.
Emerald Corinne Calvet
Mrs. Green Ellen Corby
Shamrock Jeff Burton
Chartreuse Tony Gardner
Verdigris Richard Bakalyan
Under King Tut
Character Actor Description
Queen Nefertiti Ziva Rodann
Scrivener Frank Christi
Grand Vizier Don "Red" Barry
Cleo Patrick Marianna Hill
Royal Apothecary Sid Haig
Royal Lapidary Peter Mamakos
Neila, Goddess of the Nile Grace Lee Whitney Assist in the attempt to kidnap Bruce Wayne's friend Lisa Carson.
Royal Jester Tim O'Kelly
Lord Chancellor Lloyd Haynes
Osiris James Gammon Assist with an attempt to steal ancient scrolls.
Nubis Larry Duran
Suleiman the Great Joe E. Tata Assist in a Nilanium mining plot.
Florence of Arabia Victoria Vetri
"Tutlings" Uncredited extras Additional unnamed henchmen from the various schemes.
Under Louie the Lilac
Character Actor Description
Lila Lisa Seagram Assist in a plot to take over the "flower generation."
Acacia Karl Lukas
Arbutus Richard Bakalyan
Lotus Nobu McCarthy Assist in an attempt to corner the perfume market.
Saffron John Dennis
Sassafras Ronald Knight
Under Ma Parker
Character Actor Description
Legs Parker Tisha Sterling
Machine Gun Parker Peter Brooks
Mad Dog Parker Michael Vandever
Pretty Boy Parker Robert Biheller
Under Mad Hatter
Character Actor Description
Lisa Diane McBain Assist in stealing the hats of the jurors who convicted Mad Hatter.
Cappy Roland La Starza
Dicer Gil Perkins
Polly Jean Hale Assist in an attempt to steal Batman's cowl.
Benny Leonard Bremen
Skimmer Victor Ames
Under Marsha, Queen of Diamonds
Character Actor Description
Aunt Hilda Estelle Winwood
Grand Mogul Woody Strode
Under Mister Freeze
Character Actor Description
  • Troy Melton
  • Kem Dibbs
Assists in the attempt to steal diamonds (Melton) and kidnap Miss Iceland (Dibbs).
Nippy Guy Way Assist in the attempt to steal diamonds.
Mo Roy N. Sickner
Shivers Nicky Blair Assists in the attempt to kidnap Miss Iceland.
Glacia Glaze Leslie Parrish Assists in the attempt to kidnap Professor Isaacson
Frosty H.M. Wynant
Under Minerva
Character Actor Description
Adonis William Smith
Aphrodite Yvonne Arnett
Apollo Mark Bailey
Atlas Al Ferrara
Under Minstrel
Character Actor Description
Octavia Leslie Perkins
Bass Remo Pisani
Treble Norman Gabrowski
Under Penguin
Character Actor Description
Hawkeye Lewis Charles Assist in the plot to kidnap movie star Dawn Robbins.
Sparrow Walter Burke
Swoop Charlie Picerni
Eagle-Eye Harvey Lembeck Assist with a protection racket.
Dove Al Checco
Octopus Victor Lundin Assist to steal the charity money for the Multi-millionaires' Annual Award Dinner.
Shark Dal Jenkins
Swordfish Louie Elias
Finella Julie Gregg
Lulu Cindy Malone Assist in a plot to running the Penguin for Mayor
Penguin Girl #1 Judy Parker
Penguin Girl #2 Linda Meyers
Cordy Blue Lane Bradford Assist in running the Penguin's Nest restaurant and a forgery scheme.
Matey Dee Vito Scotti
Chickadee Grace Gaynor
Barney F. "Ballpoint" Baxter Stanley Ralph Ross
Armband Lewis Charles Assist in a horse-racing scam.
Visor Joe Brooks
Miss Clean Monique van Vooren Assist in a plot to infect money with Lygerian Sleeping Sickness.
Pushbroom Newell Oestreich
Dustpan Charles Dierkop
Under Puzzler
Character Actor Description
Rocket O'Roarke Barbara Stuart
Blimpy Robert Miller Driscoll
Glider Allen Emerson
Ramjet Jay Della
Under Riddler
Character Actor Description
Molly Jill St. John Disguised as Robin, assists in an attempt to kill Batman.
Harry Allen Jaffe Member of the Mole Hill Mob
Whiskers Tim Herbert The River Rat Gang who assist in a plot to dispose of King Boris.
Fangs Marc Cavell
Whitey Roy Jenson
Mousey Susan Silo
Moth Linda Gaye Scott Assist in a plot to steal Incan Jewels.
Matches Michael Greene
Tallow Joe E. Tata
Mister Van Jones Francis X. Bushman Assist in covertly making a movie starring Batman and Robin.
Pauline Sherry Jackson
Anna Gram Deanna Lund Assist in a blackmail plot using the De-Molecularizer.
Across Jim Lefebvre
Down Ken Scott
Professor Avery Evans Charm Martin Kosleck
Betsy Boldface Peggy Ann Garner Assist in a plot to control boxing matches.
Kayo Nicholas Georgiade
Cauliflower Gil Perkins
Under Sandman
Character Actor Description
Snooze Richard Peel
Nap Tony Ballen
Under Shame
Character Actor Description
Oakie Annie Joan Staley
Messy James Timothy Scott
Rip Snorting John Mitchum
Laughing Leo Milton Frome
Calamity Jan Dina Merrill
Frontier Fanny Hermione Baddeley
Fernando "Fred" Ricardo Enrique Dominquez Barry Dennen
Chief Standing Pat Victor Lundin
Under Siren
Character Actor Description
Allegro Mike Mazurki
Andante Cliff Osmond
Under Cassandra Spellcraft
Character Actor Description
Cabala Howard Duff
Under Zelda the Great
Character Actor Description
Eivol Ekdol Jack Kruschen


  1. ^ Daniels, Les (2004). Batman: The Complete History. Chronicle Books. p. 113. ISBN 0811842320. 
  2. ^ "Batgirl Promotional Short". 1967. Retrieved 2011-06-31. 
  3. ^ Fitzgerald, Michael (2007). "Carmine infantino: decades at dc and beyond". Archived from the original on November 24, 2007. Retrieved 2007-11-23. 
  4. ^ "''Batman''".;dropdown;2. Retrieved 2011-03-10. 
  5. ^ Smith, Ronald L. (2004). "Julie Newmar: The Very Last How to Book::Biography". Archived from the original on 2007-05-28. Retrieved 2007-06-22. 
  6. ^ "Batman (1966): Instant Freeze". Retrieved 2008-05-10. 
  7. ^ a b Eisner, Joel (1986). The Official Batman Batbook. Contemporary Books. ISBN 0809250357. 
  8. ^ Garcia, Bob (February 1994). "Batman". Cinefantastique. (a special double-issue) (Frederick S. Clarke) 24-25 (6-1): 45. 

External links